Good Morning Everyone,
We had an AWESOME day yesterday. A few weeks ago I was telling someone about what we had accomplished, and she remarked "Wow, you've had a busy week!" I smiled and nodded my head. The reason I was smiling was because that was what we had accomplished that DAY!! Yesterday was a day just like that. We connected with Richard Male at The Reno Quarterly Non Profit Round Table. Richard is a non profit consultant that has worked all over the world (Nepal, Mongolia, The Horn of Africa, and...the most dangerous and exotic place of them all...The South Side of Chicago.) While at the Round Table we all had to announce who we were, and what we were doing. When we announced, we were the only organization to get oooos and ahhhs, which frankly, was pretty gratifying to know that we are connecting on a gut level. When I sat down a lady came up to be gave me her card and said "you need to call me." Her name is Susan Lisagor, and she is the Regional Representative for The Senate Majority Leader of The United States, Harry Reid. Mariah Power was here and they are interested in partnering for renewable energy to power our building. Anthony Corley, former professional football player, would like to work with us as a possible youth minister. Marion Hose, one of the most progressive real estate developers in Northern NEVADA has agreed to come out next week to take a look at our facility, and last but certainly not least Dion Gosselink, a man from down under, Australia, has come on board as our in house computer graphic artist. WHEW!! What a day...What a day!!