Community First is a timely, dynamic organization pertinent to today’s social complexities. Reintegration efforts are now regarded as our front line, most cost effective defense against the steady, resource draining conundrum know as recidivism. Community First has come up with the unique equation of providing these skill sets in exchange for up front, performed "green" Eco Service.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to check in. Thought maybe it would be cool for C1 to sign up to adopt a highway-its gets the name out in the community will look into how to do that tomorrow. Also thought about another worthy community service project for residents would be to help the elderly with their yards. What about a softball fundraiser C1 residents -vs-police-wouldnt that be a hoot? Or fire vs police. Since we are talking about getting people for community service hours from the courts thought that would be a cool way to introduce C1 to the community. Also thinking about a gospel brunch fundraiser-those things are so much fun and energy. Anyways wouldnt it be cool to have a raffle of a trip or something for extra $$ and maybe having willing partipants from the audience do a small singing talent thing after the gospel piece is over. The winner gets something cool. Way to get people involved. Anyway I love planning events, let me know what you all think. give me an idea and I will go for it.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

From the baker

So as far as baked good go here are my thoughts..... Cookies, cupcakes(with cute designs), and brownies. Simple snack foods we can wrap up, freeze, and take them out when needed. The problem I see in the near future is that the culinary program at TMCC is not active during the summer so we might need to convince someone with a restaurant or bakery to let us use their facility and pay them for ingredients used.
The potential I see for the basement kitchen is enormous and we may be able to get second hand items at low cost or free. Many restaurants are closing down due to the economy and maybe the owner would like to make a quick buck off of the ovens, freezers, ect. They won't be in the best shape so I would suggest having someone around who is rather knowledgeable in that area. We might even be able to strike a deal with Harrah's handymen to come over and help us out, who knows.
Let me know what you think,

Hi Everyone

I just want to let you all this is a worthy project. I am excited to be a part of it. Thank you so much Luke for showing me around. Big dreams keep people excited for life!!!!!! Blessings to all.


Sparks Farmers Market

Hey Guys,

I left a message with the City of Sparks to inquire about a booth during Farmers Market this summer. This would be a great fundraiser with the help of Celeste, and TMCC culinary students, we can really get our message out to a large amount of people. I am also going to try and get us into the Rib Cook Off as well. We do need to try and get a banner for these kind of events. I am looking forward to any other suggestions you guys might have. Thanks and continue the good work.



Top O' the mornin everyone!

I received a correspondence from a man who responded to our Craigslist volunteer post. He is a retired gentleman who had begun to atrophy in his home, and wanted to make a positive change in his life. I asked his permission to post his thoughts and feelings and he readily agreed. Richard is an inspiration to me and is, in my humble opinion, a prime example of how we can all make a change at any time in our lives for the better. Way to go Richard. You are today's C1 Hero!!


I will not be joining you as a Community First volunteer. However, you may have changed my life. You asked me on the phone for my bio (whatever the hell that is) and what my passion is. I started thinking about passion, and the last passion I had around work was my military service 40+ years ago. There was a draft at that time and although I was personally opposed to participating in offensive war, I was willing to fight a defensive war. My training as a navy diving officer and leader of an Explosive Ordnance Disposal team allowd me to focuse on saving lives and protecting property...and I was very passionate about my job. In fact, it was the last time I was passionate about a job. And now I know why my first year of retirement has been so unfulfilling--no passion--and why I have been unable to decide what to do with my retirement--again, no passion. Today I interviewed with SAFE (Special Advocate For Elders) in Reno. SAFE trains volunteers to uncover quality-of-life abuse of elder patients and especially abuse of their financial assets--usually by maurding guardians, family, attorneys, etc. The patients usually have some degree of dementia and end up doing without quality care in their final years because their assets have been plundered. My background in accounting (especially the stint in forensic accounting) will probably get me assigned to the more compex cases. And boy do I have passion for this, which I only became aware of as the interview unfolded. It never occured to me that a life with passion would put an end to my lackluster and boring retirement. Thanks for asking me what my passion is!! I didn't know I had any passion left in me...or that passion might be out there looking for me. Most of the retired seniors I meet have no passion in their lives and fill their time with activities that leave them feeling bored and unfullfilled. For example, go into a casino and look at the slot players--it wouldn't be so bad if there was even a hint of anything except boredom and resignation in their faces. Retirees take jobs at Walmart to escape their empty lives and I meet them all the time as employees at the Grocery Outlet, hardware stores, auto parts stores, etc. Maybe your true calling is to infuse seniors (or anyone) with the awareness that passion is indeed an option and can transform one's life....and then help them to begin to search for it. For the last year I have researched volunteer opportunities here in Carson but nothing grabbed me. Only recently have I begun to answer adds in the volunteer section of Craig's List....which is how you and I met and also led to my interview with SAFE today. Once again, thanks for asking me what my passion is!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 IS BORN!!!!!


Troy Dennis VP & Technical Director, and C1 Board of Director has given C1 a quantum leap forward in the form of a new website!!! We have the template only, now it is up to the rest of us to come up with the most unique, intelligent, thought provoking content on the web. The gauntlet is thrown down Ecoservants! I know we can make this an awesome site, and a beacon of hope to like minded individuals worldwide! WAY TO GO TROY!!!


New Team Members

Hi Everyone,

Adam Carpenter is our newest team member comming on board this evening. Adam's passion is to not have an office job (love it) and for doing social work/community service. Adam is currently a student at UNR and is majoring in Philosophy. Welcome glad to have you aboard Sir.


New Flyer/New Team Members

Hi Y'all!!

We have a new flyer created by a new team member Candy from Gardnerville. Way to go Candy! Also we have Richard joining us as of today. Richard is a database specialist. He has agreed to take over the compilation and management of or email and donor databases. If everybody could contribute one brief blog a day It is my humble opinion C1 would be incredibly well served. Thanks Everyone, have a great day!1

Monday, April 27, 2009

We are looking to do a fund raiser through Applebees one day next month. Please keep your eyes open for the exact date and time.

We would also like to introduce Celeste, Heidi, and Crystal to the Community First Team.

New Team Members

Hello Ecoservants!!

It has been a minute since any activity was posted on the blog, and we all have to do a little better job of keeping each other appraised of C1 development. Myself most of all. So here goes. Celeste from The TMCC Culinary program is a new team member who is going to develop a bake sale program which we will implement at both Reno and Sparks farmers markets. Crystal and Heidi are new team members who will focus on granting, private sector fundraising, occupational skills training, community networking, and Santa Fe rooftop development. WELCOME YOU GUYS!! Over the weekend C1 implemented The Guys On The Ground Program. We sold 125 roses downtown, and were able to generate over $100 to send to our military men in Iraq and Afghanistan for coffee and batteries, and better sun screen. We have a target for June 19th when we will have our multiband fundraiser. We will sell advance tickets, have a bake sale, silent auction, and a raffle. Let's all put our collective energy into really making this a special event!! In closing I would like to take a moment to express gratitude to all that hav and will contribute to C1. Way to go!!

With Respect,


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Today is THE day

Who ranks as the highest? One who does not harm anything. One who never retaliates. One who is always at peace regardless of the other person's disposition. - Buddha

Hey Eco Warriors,

Swept Away Media will be partnering with C1. SAM is a non profit based out of Florida with branches in several major cities, including Miami, Chicago, and now, you guessed correctly Reno. We will be the biggest little city's representatives of this awesome concept/company that assists local artists come into their own. Nancy Rich, founder, producer, and promoter will be working directly with us to help local musicians, and other artists their wares. i feel this will be an excellent mechanism for us to develop fund raising opportunities while simultaneously helping local artists. Win/Win.


Friday, April 3, 2009

Educational Opportunity

Hey Eco Warriors,

Kim Jardine at Patagonia is hosting a Brain Food on April 8th that we should all attend. Patagonia is an incredibly progressive company, and pretty much embodies the auspices of conservation with which we aspire to operate within. I feel as though this is an excellent opportunity for us to see some of the possibilities that exist outside of "the box", which is where I humbly request we operate. I will be back in Reno/Tahoe in just a few more days and very much look forward to collaborating directly with you all once again.


ConservationNEXT Wednesday, April 8th, 2009 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm Downstairs Conference Room Paid ConservationNEXT is a program of the Conservation Alliance designed to connect individuals in the outdoor industry with the work of the Conservation Alliance grantees. ConservationNEXT is committed to building a community of educated, engaged, and powerful people who will collectively find solutions to the problems facing our threatened environment. Join us and learn about their plans for a Backyard Collective, a day of volunteering in various communities to help preserve and protect local environments. You may also wish to join their online community at
