Community First is a timely, dynamic organization pertinent to today’s social complexities. Reintegration efforts are now regarded as our front line, most cost effective defense against the steady, resource draining conundrum know as recidivism. Community First has come up with the unique equation of providing these skill sets in exchange for up front, performed "green" Eco Service.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Computer Lab / TV Room
I am very excited to announce that we are actually working on the Computer Lab/TV Room and that we hope to have phase I complete by this Monday evening 7/20/2009!! Andy of Mountain Computing has generously put together two computer systems for us and has agreed to help with the set up / maintenance of our lab. WAY TO GO ANDY!! The facility looks as good as it ever has since it's inception and I would like to take a moment to thank everybody on the team for their dedication to this project.
With Respect,
Luke, C1
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Back on Res
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Change is the only constant
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Forty four years ago on June 11 at about 1:30 PM a little baby boy came into the world and into the heart of the Stella family. This little boy was a very funny and bright little guy, well, he grew up and along the way made some blunders but he learned from the mistakes he made and now he had developed into "A Stellar Young Man".
Dear Luke, may you continue on the path you have chosen to help your fellow man, may you continue to have success and achieve all you set out to accomplish.
Have a wonderful birthday and as I said last night if no one makes you your chocolate cake, buy the hostess cupcake, put a candle in it and call me, I'll sing Happy Birthday Son.
Much love and Lots of hugs,
MOM Stella
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
The community challenge
Taken from the RGJ Article today:
Brian Williams is hoping people realize on Sunday how tough it is. He is organizing Take The Walk, a fundraiser to send more than 7,000 shoes to orphans in Nyeri, Kenya. The walk costs $10 and participants will walk a mile barefoot starting at the University of Nevada, Reno campus.
The shoes were collected during the past few months by students at Damonte Ranch and Bishop Manogue high schools after he spoke to students at both schools. "I challenged them to change their community in 90 days," Williams said. The student councils at both schools came up with the idea and spearheaded the collection of 7,500 shoes by putting up donation boxes around town including at gyms and schools.
"It's a way to get people involved in doing something good," Williams said. "I realized once you start something, you create a spark and more people want to get involved." Williams, a black belt in martial arts, has spoken to more than 25,000 local students. He started a program where he combines his martial arts training with a program to encourage random acts of kindness.
His motto is "Kindness is the ultimate form of self-defense."
The program developed for elementary school students encourages children at schools to document 5,000 random acts of kindness. "It can include stuff like picking up a pencil for someone or opening a door," Williams said.
"I hope that eventually, I can document a million acts of kindness to show people what it looks like," said Williams.
He said Sunday's walk is an easy way for people to get involved, and learn what can be accomplished by taking small steps. "You always hear people talk about what it's like to walk in someone else's shoes," Williams said. "This walk gives people a chance to see what it's like to walk a mile in someone's shoes when they don't have shoes."
Williams said Nevada first lady Dawn Gibbons and Reno and Sparks mayors will be attending the walk.
Food Bagging Event Today
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Good Morning Everyone! We all took the day off yesterday, a luxury, however we will be back at it today. Monday the facility gets a complete electrical overhaul. We now need to get our computer center online, and redevelop the admin wing of the hotel. I am remiss in getting out the team/board minutes, and will rectify today. We need any tools, paint, painting supplies, CARPET, fans, computers, etc, etc that we can muster. Thanks for alllllll your help! We are not before the eye of the needle, we are halfway through it!! In the immortal words of Otis Day and The Nights, "Just a little bit louder now."
Friday, May 29, 2009
Great Job Red Team!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
daily mantra
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
New Team Members!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Team/Board Meeting
Back into the mix
Be Like An Ocean
Some one much wiser than I suggested that I strive to be like an ocean, bigger than life and accepting of all things with absolutely no disruption. Lofty aspiration to be sure; however, I am determined to work towards this goal today. Have you guys heard the latest? You all are the greatest!!
coming together
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Uniterian Universalist
Mom Stella
I know the folds at the Unitarian Church will be wowed by you two and your presentation!!!
Let me know how you did.
Love & Hugs
MAMA Stella
Uniterian Universalist Fellowship of Northern Nevada
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Hi All from Momma Stella
This is my first posting.
I just want to say, I think all of you who are involved in this wonderful project are to be commended for you dediction and diligence. Especially, my son Luke Stella. I am so very proud of him and how far he has come. This is a project that has been close to his heart for a long time and to see it finally come to fruition warms my heart.
I look forward to coming up there and doing something to help the cause.
Hugs to you Luke and thanks to all your staff and coworkers.
Mom Stella
Livin the Dream
Friday, May 22, 2009
Getchya a case of beer for that one red team!!
Step Up!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Good Night
Things are really coming together. SO Exciting. Everyone stay focused and good things are surly to keep coming!!!
Why can't we be friends?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Unitarian Universalist
I just received confirmation that Luke will be doing a small presentation about Community First at the Unitarian Universalist Church 780 Del Monte Ln
Reno, NV 05/24/2009. Please feel free to come and support us. After the presentation they offered to do "share the plate." This will be a nice fundraiser for us as well as getting the word out to more people. Yeah!!
Keep up the good work!!!
And that's the truth-Ruth!
The truth is that we are only get out of life exactly what we put into it. We are only going to be loved exactly to the degree that we love. We are all going to prosper, only as much as we are willing to allocate hard work to our endeavors. Let's all do a little more, and expect a little less today peoples.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Hope everyone is well and enjoying the weather. I thought I would add one of my favorite quotes:
The past, present, and future are really one; They are today- Harriet Beecher Stowe
It is all about the client
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Welcome New Team Member
The Student Has Become The Master
Last evening The Student became the master. Mike, our new resident, actually outsold me in flower sales!! What The, Why The, Where The!! I could not be happier with his progress and attitude. Today we will be doing alot of work around the hotel. If anybody cares to join in you are more than welcome. Also, we will be selling roses out at the world famous Sparks Marina if anybody cares to contribute. Via con Dios!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
New Day- New Opportunities
Friday, May 15, 2009
Mel Bray
Mel Bray is no longer associated with Community First in any way, shape, or form. If anybody receives a call or correspondence from Mr. Bray please refer him to me. Thank you in advance for your cooperation regarding this matter.
With Respect,
Luke Stella
Community First
True Giving
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
My Space
Finals are almost over-Yahoo! Just letting you know that you all are awesome.
Actions to Thinking
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
driving the point home
Donations-Spring Cleaning
Extend a Hand
Monday, May 11, 2009
Green Thought For The Day
Again.... need help
Mother's Day Rose Drive Update
Saturday, May 9, 2009
E presence
inrtoducing vivian freeman
Wish List
Plan of Attack
We had an AWESOME day yesterday. A few weeks ago I was telling someone about what we had accomplished, and she remarked "Wow, you've had a busy week!" I smiled and nodded my head. The reason I was smiling was because that was what we had accomplished that DAY!! Yesterday was a day just like that. We connected with Richard Male at The Reno Quarterly Non Profit Round Table. Richard is a non profit consultant that has worked all over the world (Nepal, Mongolia, The Horn of Africa, and...the most dangerous and exotic place of them all...The South Side of Chicago.) While at the Round Table we all had to announce who we were, and what we were doing. When we announced, we were the only organization to get oooos and ahhhs, which frankly, was pretty gratifying to know that we are connecting on a gut level. When I sat down a lady came up to be gave me her card and said "you need to call me." Her name is Susan Lisagor, and she is the Regional Representative for The Senate Majority Leader of The United States, Harry Reid. Mariah Power was here and they are interested in partnering for renewable energy to power our building. Anthony Corley, former professional football player, would like to work with us as a possible youth minister. Marion Hose, one of the most progressive real estate developers in Northern NEVADA has agreed to come out next week to take a look at our facility, and last but certainly not least Dion Gosselink, a man from down under, Australia, has come on board as our in house computer graphic artist. WHEW!! What a day...What a day!!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Mother's Day Rose Drive Update
Last Day
End of Day
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Myspace and Facebook
Graduation cont'
New Face-
As you can see the face of our blog has changed, and while it is a bit less asthetically pleasing, it seems to be more functional because now we can view and use the Google Calender corectly. If you scroll down a bit you can see and use it.
Melly Melllllll
To be able, at any moment, to sacrifice who we are for who we could possibly become. Let's keep our eyes on the prize.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
End of Day Summary
The question was asked how is the rose fundraising drive going? I commented that it was like a baby learning to walk, shaky, yet incredibly determined. An apt metaphor when you think of our company which is also in it's infancy. I just wanted to take a moment to convey how unbelievably fortunate, and honored I feel to be working with you all on this great program. Reno, is being incredibly well served, and you should all be very proud of yourselves. Keep up the good work and let's bring this rose project home in a grand fashion.
Mother's Day
We can deliver bulk orders of flowers to the organization for the following prices:
Carnations 50 cents/piece
Roses $1/piece
Mother's Day Rose Drive Update
I just spoke with Fred at the Church of Scientology on Ralston St. and will get a response from him by Friday. If we just keep on calling they will keep on answering.
Mel Bray
Mother's Day Rose Drive Update
It would be great if we could receive a daily update regarding any churches which will be participating in the Rose Drive. Just e-mail information to, to the attention of Mel.
Thank you much and keep up the good work,
Mel Bray
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Special atta boy to Mel for generating mega sales with only a few calls to churches. That is all we have to do is try, and the rest gets taken care of by our collective good juju! Good Job red team. Also Celeste came up with an AWESOME rose flyer, you go girl!! If anybody would like to contribute to the formation of an "Ebay Photo Studio" we ae currently setting one up on site at C1. Let me know if there is any way I can be of assistance people!
The Mother's Day Rose Drive
Also Pastor John at the Holy Cross Lutheran Church on McCarran has set up an appointment for tomorrow to finalize the order for his congregation. Thank you Pastor John.
Let's continue to work hard and place a rose to as many Mothers as we can for Mother's Day.
For Victoria-softball
Getting Closer
Monday, May 4, 2009
Let's play ball.
Regarding softball
Comments on meeting
Sunday, May 3, 2009
great meeting
See you tomorrow night.
Very Excited
just wanted to say that I enjoyed our meeting today and I thought everyone had some great ideas! I can't wait to get started working with such an amazing and ambitious team! Hope to see you all soon!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Softball anyone???
Great way to get to know each other and collaborate everytime we play!!! Fun times!
Welcome Everyone
I talked to the City of Sparks and they said there is no more room for food vendors at the Sparks Farmers Market and that the only thing we could sell there would be tee shirts and pens. I will get a hold the City of Reno to see if they have a spot for us at their farmers market. Seeing so many people excited about C1 is awesome. Keep up the good work and lets collaborate and come up with some more fundraising ideas! Thanks!
Friday, May 1, 2009
New Team Member
We have several new team members that C1 is super excited about. Ricci is a well seasoned grant writer who has brought in over 2,ooo,ooo in grants. Tyesa has a master's degree in business, and is interested in a research assistant/grant writig internship. John is proffessional photographer who works with the casino's for promotional material development. Mark is a egineering consultant who has his own agency, and who has agreed to develop resposibility matrixis. Lisa is a Public Relatios specialist, and a Cable TV show host who will be working with us to develop brochures, and flyers. Joy is going to manifest a Pennies for Kids fundraising drive that will be quite successfull on several fronts. Chad is interested in developing renewable energy programs ad will be our "utility" team member fillig wherever we can use him. And last but not least Adam, is a UNR student who will help us with gettting UNR on Board to perform metrics, and to study our program from it's inception. WELCOME!!!
Hey Everyone
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Hi Everyone,
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
From the baker
The potential I see for the basement kitchen is enormous and we may be able to get second hand items at low cost or free. Many restaurants are closing down due to the economy and maybe the owner would like to make a quick buck off of the ovens, freezers, ect. They won't be in the best shape so I would suggest having someone around who is rather knowledgeable in that area. We might even be able to strike a deal with Harrah's handymen to come over and help us out, who knows.
Let me know what you think,
Hi Everyone
Sparks Farmers Market
I left a message with the City of Sparks to inquire about a booth during Farmers Market this summer. This would be a great fundraiser with the help of Celeste, and TMCC culinary students, we can really get our message out to a large amount of people. I am also going to try and get us into the Rib Cook Off as well. We do need to try and get a banner for these kind of events. I am looking forward to any other suggestions you guys might have. Thanks and continue the good work.
I received a correspondence from a man who responded to our Craigslist volunteer post. He is a retired gentleman who had begun to atrophy in his home, and wanted to make a positive change in his life. I asked his permission to post his thoughts and feelings and he readily agreed. Richard is an inspiration to me and is, in my humble opinion, a prime example of how we can all make a change at any time in our lives for the better. Way to go Richard. You are today's C1 Hero!!
I will not be joining you as a Community First volunteer. However, you may have changed my life. You asked me on the phone for my bio (whatever the hell that is) and what my passion is. I started thinking about passion, and the last passion I had around work was my military service 40+ years ago. There was a draft at that time and although I was personally opposed to participating in offensive war, I was willing to fight a defensive war. My training as a navy diving officer and leader of an Explosive Ordnance Disposal team allowd me to focuse on saving lives and protecting property...and I was very passionate about my job. In fact, it was the last time I was passionate about a job. And now I know why my first year of retirement has been so unfulfilling--no passion--and why I have been unable to decide what to do with my retirement--again, no passion. Today I interviewed with SAFE (Special Advocate For Elders) in Reno. SAFE trains volunteers to uncover quality-of-life abuse of elder patients and especially abuse of their financial assets--usually by maurding guardians, family, attorneys, etc. The patients usually have some degree of dementia and end up doing without quality care in their final years because their assets have been plundered. My background in accounting (especially the stint in forensic accounting) will probably get me assigned to the more compex cases. And boy do I have passion for this, which I only became aware of as the interview unfolded. It never occured to me that a life with passion would put an end to my lackluster and boring retirement. Thanks for asking me what my passion is!! I didn't know I had any passion left in me...or that passion might be out there looking for me. Most of the retired seniors I meet have no passion in their lives and fill their time with activities that leave them feeling bored and unfullfilled. For example, go into a casino and look at the slot players--it wouldn't be so bad if there was even a hint of anything except boredom and resignation in their faces. Retirees take jobs at Walmart to escape their empty lives and I meet them all the time as employees at the Grocery Outlet, hardware stores, auto parts stores, etc. Maybe your true calling is to infuse seniors (or anyone) with the awareness that passion is indeed an option and can transform one's life....and then help them to begin to search for it. For the last year I have researched volunteer opportunities here in Carson but nothing grabbed me. Only recently have I begun to answer adds in the volunteer section of Craig's List....which is how you and I met and also led to my interview with SAFE today. Once again, thanks for asking me what my passion is!!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 IS BORN!!!!!
Troy Dennis VP & Technical Director, and C1 Board of Director has given C1 a quantum leap forward in the form of a new website!!! We have the template only, now it is up to the rest of us to come up with the most unique, intelligent, thought provoking content on the web. The gauntlet is thrown down Ecoservants! I know we can make this an awesome site, and a beacon of hope to like minded individuals worldwide! WAY TO GO TROY!!!
New Team Members
Adam Carpenter is our newest team member comming on board this evening. Adam's passion is to not have an office job (love it) and for doing social work/community service. Adam is currently a student at UNR and is majoring in Philosophy. Welcome glad to have you aboard Sir.
New Flyer/New Team Members
We have a new flyer created by a new team member Candy from Gardnerville. Way to go Candy! Also we have Richard joining us as of today. Richard is a database specialist. He has agreed to take over the compilation and management of or email and donor databases. If everybody could contribute one brief blog a day It is my humble opinion C1 would be incredibly well served. Thanks Everyone, have a great day!1
Monday, April 27, 2009
New Team Members
It has been a minute since any activity was posted on the blog, and we all have to do a little better job of keeping each other appraised of C1 development. Myself most of all. So here goes. Celeste from The TMCC Culinary program is a new team member who is going to develop a bake sale program which we will implement at both Reno and Sparks farmers markets. Crystal and Heidi are new team members who will focus on granting, private sector fundraising, occupational skills training, community networking, and Santa Fe rooftop development. WELCOME YOU GUYS!! Over the weekend C1 implemented The Guys On The Ground Program. We sold 125 roses downtown, and were able to generate over $100 to send to our military men in Iraq and Afghanistan for coffee and batteries, and better sun screen. We have a target for June 19th when we will have our multiband fundraiser. We will sell advance tickets, have a bake sale, silent auction, and a raffle. Let's all put our collective energy into really making this a special event!! In closing I would like to take a moment to express gratitude to all that hav and will contribute to C1. Way to go!!
With Respect,
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Today is THE day
Hey Eco Warriors,
Swept Away Media will be partnering with C1. SAM is a non profit based out of Florida with branches in several major cities, including Miami, Chicago, and now, you guessed correctly Reno. We will be the biggest little city's representatives of this awesome concept/company that assists local artists come into their own. Nancy Rich, founder, producer, and promoter will be working directly with us to help local musicians, and other artists their wares. i feel this will be an excellent mechanism for us to develop fund raising opportunities while simultaneously helping local artists. Win/Win.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Educational Opportunity
Kim Jardine at Patagonia is hosting a Brain Food on April 8th that we should all attend. Patagonia is an incredibly progressive company, and pretty much embodies the auspices of conservation with which we aspire to operate within. I feel as though this is an excellent opportunity for us to see some of the possibilities that exist outside of "the box", which is where I humbly request we operate. I will be back in Reno/Tahoe in just a few more days and very much look forward to collaborating directly with you all once again.
ConservationNEXT Wednesday, April 8th, 2009 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm Downstairs Conference Room Paid ConservationNEXT is a program of the Conservation Alliance designed to connect individuals in the outdoor industry with the work of the Conservation Alliance grantees. ConservationNEXT is committed to building a community of educated, engaged, and powerful people who will collectively find solutions to the problems facing our threatened environment. Join us and learn about their plans for a Backyard Collective, a day of volunteering in various communities to help preserve and protect local environments. You may also wish to join their online community at
Monday, March 30, 2009
March 30 meeting
Thank you Celeste.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Today's Accomplishments
Today was a great day. I feel like we accomplished a lot. Thanks to Ben, Mel, Celeste, and Michelle for a job well done today. At the meeting we all decided on tasks for each of us. This will help all of us for a direction to go for the week. Michelle and I went to Restart and they would like to eventually send us clients that will fit our parameters when we open. Yeah! Another avenue to receive and help people that want that hand up. Ben is going to work on flyers for our first fund raiser. Mel is going to call and see about doing bakesales in front of local businesses. Michelle is going to work on getting business cards together. I am going to work on getting the logo digitalized, work on a domain name/web page, and revising the power point. Thanks for everyones help and lets welcome Celeste, a culanry student who's willing to help with preparing meals. Welcome! Thanks everyone for all your help and support.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Everyone is doing a great job getting things done. Thanks so much to Stephanie, Mel and Michelle for meeting with the lady from Bank of America on Friday. I would like to met with everyone this week to go over plans for the fundraiser as well as take a detailed look at the hotel. I would like to get a list together of things we need/have for the hotel take an inventory of everything. How does that sound to the rest of you? I was thinking Monday at Java, time depends on you guys I am open all day. Thanks for all that you do and keep up the good work!!
Adios For Now!!!
Welcome Ben Brown
Friday, March 13, 2009
Goin Gangbusters
Steph and Mel, I love the idea of being a green distributor of Xtremely Green products in Reno. Could you expand a bit on what your thoughts and feelings on this idea are? Ben Brown will be coming on board as one of our younger team members. He contacted me today and wants to develop email databases for for us at our events, and Eric Anderson 's concerts. Eric and I have discussed this and we seem to be on the same page. Phil Zubillaga, our host team member, has developed an awesome opportunity in the form of a professional photographer who is generously willing to help us get out brochures to a much higher professional level. The silent auctions are simplicity themselves. Card tables are set up with a description of each item to be auctioned with a set minimum bid. Bids are then silently filled out on cards and placed in boxes set up on each table, at the culmination of the event we announce who won each auction and withhold the actual amount paid (decorum). We have developed two auction items in the form of clothing from Patagonia, and dinners for 2 from The Family Basque Restaurant. Thank you Kim Jardine and Phil Zubillaga for your generous contributions. A special "Way To Go!!" to Steph, Mel, Michelle,Phil, Kim, and Ben for your contributions to C1 today. Very inspiring.
Silent Auction
We need to work on what exactly the auction will consist of.
Also, I want to ask Robert to use Xtremely green products fpr his catering. I also think a basket of goodies from them might be a good candidate for the auction. For example, a "x" month's supply of green household items such as trash bags, paper cups, napkins, fair trade coffe, organic tea, etc.
I also think we might get some art to auction, I have some ties I need to work with more on that.
I am meeting Robert this Saturday to learn more. The space is limited but I am hoping that all of us can be there. I will let you know if the guest list is still open.
Green products
We are hoping to develop a promotion vehicle that can promote both Community First and Xtremely Green, along with green clients, as an added bonus for paying that extra nickel for alternative products. You name it, he can get it, in a version that is post-consumer, easily biodegradable, not oil-dependent. Even plus some stuff you wouldnt think to name. You'll be hearing more as things develop.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Greetings from Atlantis
Chief Gopher made it to the Atlantic and got feet wet at one in the morning EST. WOOOHOOO!! When i was going through my reintegration process, i always told myself that when i finally was looking at the ocean in person, swimming in it, i would then know that somehow i had made it. That i had successfully reintegrated. Well sports fans, tonight was it, although in an entirely different ocean than i initially had in mind. How freakin cool is that?!! i know that as i do, so can others. i am extremely encouraged that you all are making the BOA business of the month opportunity come to fruition. April is our shot. Timely; as it coincides with virgin fundraising efforts, and inertia continuity. i throw down the creative gauntlet, manifest rudimentary printing, and i will develop a registration "teaser" gift. More to follow.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Intake process
We are currently able to shelter 44 men.
We intend a written application that includes agreement toi rules of house and terms as well as a financial and personal background assessment
We intend a face to face with those chosen from the intial round of paper apps
broadbase population - eg not all from court ordered release we want to be inclusive
a can-do attitude
a passion for the principles of community service and self empowerment
Rules of the House
Lets brainstorm-list the rules for occupants of Santa Fe
1.) Food only in the dining rooms (avoid varmints)
2.) Guest policy - needs to be meted out: we dont want this to turn into a hangout where guys always bring there riends to the rooms, can lead to illicit activities
etc what else can we think of?
Morning Meetings
Great meetings this morning!! Kudos to Smell, David, Michelle, Stephanie, Amanda, and Chief Gopher for attendance. An extra special thanks to Phil Zubillaga of The Family Basque Restaurant, Elizabeth Dorway of Family Promise, and Bob Fulkerson of PLAN for all of their energy, guidance and support. Positive developments all around and the grass roots movement grows exponentially every day!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Cracklin Connectivity
Allright!! I was telling somebody what we did the other day and they commented that " wow you have had a busy week!" I was gratified to know that what someone thought was a busy week had actually occured in one day. Today was a day like that. The good folks that own the new Lounge Bar called Se7ven in the freshly rennovated West Market Square, have generously committed to holding se7veral fundraising events for Community First. Also Tyler Stafford and Eric Anderson, the (in my humble opinion) best new talent in Reno, have agreed to perform at some of the events pro bono. More to follow!!
Family Promise
Elizabeth from Family Promise wants to meet with us tomorrow Wednesday 11th 9:00am at Java Jungle. Kudos to Stephanie for setting up the initial contact-GOOD JOB RED TEAM-GETCH YA CASE OF BEER FOR THAT ONE!! I am very excited to work with Elizabeth and Family Promise regarding feeding the underserved.
Also Cheif Gopher will be in Florida until the 31st so we need to get the team together to figure out who feels comfortable doing what for the next few weeks.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Recreational Therapy
Today we are meeting with Ted of Sierra Tours, and Java Jungle to discuss a liaison regarding Recreational Therapy for Veterans. Ted is a very experienced professional kayaking guide and a valiant Veteran of the middle east conflicts. He has a passion for helping Vets and wants to use his particular specialized skill sets to be of service to our Heroes in The Armed Services. The Meeting is at 10am at Java Jungle if anybody would like to attend/participate.
FYI City of Reno HMIS data entry
>>> stephaniekbuckley 03/09/09 09:05 >>>
Hello Krista:
I left you a couple of random messages last week. You can disregard my
voicemails, I found what I was looking for, thank you so much for being
a contact person. I am gradually getting closer to preparing meals for
those who are in need.
Dave Baker mentioned the data entry you do for HMIS. I would be able to
help with that a couple of hours or so this week.
I am curious how many hours of data entry you anticipate over a week or
month. If it can help you, I would like to establish a schedule and
share the data entry among a few people, depending on the load. I hope
this could free you up for more of the good work of your position.
I have asked a colleague of mine, Luke Stella, to be in touch with you,
and cc'ed him here. His non-profit, Community First, has just entered
501c3 status. He is establishing a work force of persons who are
reintegrating. He has secured an historic hotel to be housing for up to
44 men. In partial exchange for shelter, food, and mentoring, including
career development, these individuals will provide community service.
He would like to get your feedback to see if this service can benefit
Please be in touch, at your convenience, so we can discuss the data
Best regards,
Stephanie Buckley
First blog
Combining community service with career development
All of these need to be critiqued thoroughly, just throwing stuff out there right now
1) data entry for the HMIS
2) baked goods - 100% to nonprofit - division of labor skills: preparation, distribution, supply, general ledger, team management
3) teaching & coaching eg sports or nature activities, creative arts, etc etc provided to underserved populations
4) ecofriendly products - eg post-consumer paper products to local events such as street fairs. 1. sales 2. provision 3. customer service 4. team leadership
5) installation of hydrogen and fuel cells
6) sober ride/dial a ride
7) Community Garden tending plants and composting - can provide fresh produce to the santa fe and local meal missions. create soil can sell starter "black gold" to city or private gardens.
8) Laundromat and storage - old cleaners closed on 5th and keystone, lets staff it and do fluff and fold for shelters etc alongside create a locker storage
????? lets make a super long list so we can be critical and cross stuff off too (: How many swings does it take to get a home run?
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Today we opened a dialougue with Joe Ferguson and The Food Not Bombs Program. For 15 incredible years Joe and his organization have been herorically feeding the hungry. They prepare the food, set up, feed, breakdown, and leave before any officials know what is happening. Feed the hungry terrorism!! How cool is that! Community First is going to work with Joe to set up a food collection/storage/preparation mechanism to facilitate the great work FNB is doing. We also hope to ultimately develop a location to operate a soup kitchen on Sundays to cover the day no one else is feeding the public in need.
Luke Stella
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Welcom Communit First family and friends
I felt as if this might bbe a convieenient way to share ideas, notes, feelings, and in the immortal words of young people all over WHATEVER!
Community First Website
Blog Archive
- Change is the only constant
- No title
- I for one thought last nite was a success - we did...
- Good morning All, I want to digress from the norm ...
- Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love;...
- Good morning all, hope the food bagging went well....
- The community challenge
- Food Bagging Event Today
- Great Job Red Team!!
- daily mantra
- New Team Members!
- Team/Board Meeting
- Back into the mix
- Be Like An Ocean
- coming together
- Uniterian Universalist
- Mom Stella
- Uniterian Universalist Fellowship of Northern Nevada
- Hi All from Momma Stella
- Livin the Dream
- Good Morning
- Getchya a case of beer for that one red team!!
- Step Up!!
- Good Night
- Why can't we be friends?
- Unitarian Universalist
- Good Morning
- And that's the truth-Ruth!
- Hello
- It is all about the client
- good morn'n all - i met with one of the "powers to...
- hello
- Welcome New Team Member
- The Student Has Become The Master
- New Day- New Opportunities
- Mel Bray
- True Giving
- My Space
- Actions to Thinking
- driving the point home
- Donations-Spring Cleaning
- Extend a Hand
- Green Thought For The Day
- Again.... need help
- Mother's Day Rose Drive Update
- E presence
- inrtoducing vivian freeman
- Wish List
- Plan of Attack
- HUH??
- Mother's Day Rose Drive Update
- Last Day
- End of Day
- Myspace and Facebook
- Graduation cont'
- New Face-
- Roses
- Melly Melllllll
- Graduations
- Sacrifice
- If the doors of perception were cleansed, everythi...
- End of Day Summary
- Graduations
- Mother's Day
- Mother's Day Rose Drive Update
- Epresence
- Mother's Day Rose Drive Update
- Today
- Very Nicely Done Mel!
- The Mother's Day Rose Drive
- For Victoria-softball
- Softball
- Getting Closer
- Softball
- Regarding softball
- Comments on meeting
- great meeting
- Very Excited
- Tonight 5-7
- Softball anyone???
- Welcome Everyone
- Hi
- New Team Member
- Hey Everyone
- March 30 meeting
- Today's Accomplishments
- Stephany called me today to start going over the e...
- Meeting
- Welcome Ben Brown
- Hi my name is Ben Brown I was contacted by Luke to...
- Goin Gangbusters
- Silent Auction
- Green products
- Greetings from Atlantis
- Intake process
- Rules of the House
- Morning Meetings
- Cracklin Connectivity
- Family Promise
- Recreational Therapy
- FYI City of Reno HMIS data entry
- Sounds Good
- First blog
- Hi Everybody,Please feel free to join in on this i...
- Combining community service with career development
- Affiliations
- Welcom Communit First family and friends