Community First is a timely, dynamic organization pertinent to today’s social complexities. Reintegration efforts are now regarded as our front line, most cost effective defense against the steady, resource draining conundrum know as recidivism. Community First has come up with the unique equation of providing these skill sets in exchange for up front, performed "green" Eco Service.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Good morning All, I want to digress from the norm this morning.
Forty four years ago on June 11 at about 1:30 PM a little baby boy came into the world and into the heart of the Stella family. This little boy was a very funny and bright little guy, well, he grew up and along the way made some blunders but he learned from the mistakes he made and now he had developed into "A Stellar Young Man".
Dear Luke, may you continue on the path you have chosen to help your fellow man, may you continue to have success and achieve all you set out to accomplish.
Have a wonderful birthday and as I said last night if no one makes you your chocolate cake, buy the hostess cupcake, put a candle in it and call me, I'll sing Happy Birthday Son.

Much love and Lots of hugs,
MOM Stella

1 comment:

  1. You have indeed raised a "Stellar" son, Mom Stella, and he will have his chocolate cake and eat it to!

